he/him. trans revolutionary. not a man but we can still be bros.

“I’m not saying we’ll live to see some sort of paradise. But just fighting for change makes you stronger. Not hoping for anything will kill you for sure.” Leslie Feinberg, Stone Butch Blues

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 29, 2021

YouTube member only vids - is there really no way to rip/access them without paying?
Trying to get into a show that's only on YouTube or some niche streaming service is hell. I know that, if you have an account that paid for member, you can use your info/cookies to download the vids using JDownloader or yt-dl, but again - not paying for that shite.

Anyone know a place that pirates Kanopy titles?
There's a lot of obscure stuff available on Kanopy (site that lets you stream movies if your uni offers it or you have library card) that are I find are only on Kanopy. I've been looking everywhere that I can for Filming Desire: A Journey Through Women's Cinema, but it's one of those things that you can either only find in a library not accessible to you or for 200 dollars on eBay. Anyway, any help is appreciated.

Man, this is shit you keep in therapy. Not an online forum.