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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 24, 2022


You have still failed to answer why out of all of Europe we are the ones to have our gas stopped first, when the only nation to pay in roubles before that was Hungary? And don’t lecture me on politics in my own country when you can’t possibly know anything about it. The “loose coalition” argument is true - we had to go through 3 elections in a year until it was even formed, and it is very likely that it will collapse soon and we’ll have to go to elections again. Why can’t you understand that decision making in this situation and Hungary’s situation are vastly different? I am not disputing that the gov are US puppets no matter who comes to power. Your claims about Bulgaria engaging in war against Russia and “Russia fighting for its survival” on the territory of a neighbour country are ridiculous.

Nobody is saying it’s comparable to US sanctions, but it’s a dick move to cut gas first to the most pro-russian country in EU for not paying in roubles, when no one else does as well, besides Hungary. Hungary has a strongman leader like Orban who has the power and support to make dissenting decisions, we have a loose coalition of 4 parties that hate each other, and at least two of which are funded by the US. We are getting punished because we are the least profitable, as a warning for the big countries.

As a Bulgarian, I don’t think there’s much left to loot.

You claimed Germany agreed from the start to pay in roubles, yet even your source says they refuse that and will continue paying in Euros, as their contract allows that. Our contract is in dollars, and we have made the payment. Our gov has not refused to pay in roubles if the contract is renegotiated. We can’t just open a bank account and wire money to Russia, hoping to receive gas, that’s why contracts exist, right?

Italy’s development comes after Russia stopping our gas, so it’s not a fair example. Slovakia’s is just a statement, but they also haven’t done anything yet. Again, Hungary is the only one that has officially agreed, but they have Orban’s strongman politics and personal relationship with Putin, we have a very loose coalition of 4 parties that disagree on everything. Russia could have cut us some slack, instead they chose to use as a warning for the big countries because we are inconsequential to their market.

According to our media we have made the payments in dollars, which Gazprom then returned. No new contract has been made to pay in roubles, and our gov says that they can’t comply with demands outside a contract. Also I can’t find a single source that claims that Germany has agreed to pay in roubles, all the msm news say they have refused it.

Source on refusing to pay? The only country I’ve read that has officially agreed to pay in roubles is Hungary. I dont think our gov has said anything concretely. You have to understand that we are in a very unstable political situation rn - our current government came after several elections last year, when the CDU sponsored mafia-linked GERB party which ruled for a decade finally fell from power after huge protests out of which several new parties came to the stage. The gov now is a very loose coalition of these parties plus the socialist party and things are very slow, chaotic and unpredictable as all these different parties are pushing their own interests. We are having a hard time dealing with our own things let alone this bullshit.

This is such bs from Russia, Bulgaria hasn’t sent any weapons to Ukraine and now we are the first to get our gas stopped. Why don’t they stop Germoney’s gas, who are literally sending tanks and also not paying in roubles?