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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 13, 2021


The thing is that sooner or later we will be forced into such a system.

I disagree.

Remember, they forced the injection on us, but not everyone took it.

Some see through the evil, and say no.

Eventually the herd will follow those with more courage .

Digital identity systems may be forced upon you, but there’s hope. You can still live free.

Easydns are respected in the industry.

They also have a pro freedom CEO, and used to send out news letters covering intl privacy issues in tech.

Or you may try odysee.com there’s no age restrictions, and many creators are moving there.

bonus: they don’t censor frees peech like youtube

I was about to set up my family on matrix, but XMPP is way easier. Especially if you wanna self host.

DNS is majorly flawed.

Web3 will bring better systems. We’re already seeing decentralized file storage economies. Next will be distributed dns.

Handshake seems promising.
