Rust/NixOS/FLOSS enthusiast, blogging, tooting, hiking, enjoying good food, music, conversations and so on…

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 13, 2021


Awesome! This goes to my list of readworthy git articles that I use when people ask me how to do things with git! ❤️

I am not in favour of these flatpacks/snaps or whatever these things are called. Packages should be distro packages, always. And the vendor of the software should never be responsible of packaging, thats literally the job of the distribution.

Good news on one side (10k for OBS) and bad news on the other side. 😂

(Just to mention it:) writefreely only publishes articles via Activitypub but does not have a way to view replies on an article (yet?).

I have a writefreely instance for myself and like it. I would like a static site generator much more, because I can edit and view my blog offline, but I like that writefreely uses Activitypub and I wanted to have that explicitly, so here we are.

It does it’s job though and is usable for me. I normally prepare articles in a markdown Editor offline and just copy them into the web editor.

Timetagger open source time tracking application
Just found this and am wondering if anyone has some experiences to share...

We should ask them to stay away from Linux, this BS they’re pulling only hurts the Linux community!

How to follow a lemmy user from mastodon?
So I tried to follow myself from @musicmatze[]( here, but I somehow need to approve the follow request on the lemmy side... but I don't see how I can do this... Can someone help me? 🤣