Editor en Nibö. Fedinauta @jorge@red.niboe.info

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Oct 28, 2021

Esta es una explicación simplificada sobre el fediverso y las diferentes plataformas disponibles.

Nice! I somehow do not get the email for final setup, which should include the admin password. Maybe it is an issue with my server configuration.

still does not work. At least, not on my server…

It would be nice if they updated it.

How to change instance theme?
Is it possible to change the instance theme in the admin interface, without editing the source code?

Fedinauta (Spanish, Portuguese)
# Fedinauta *Persona que hace uso activo de uno o más servicios del fediverso.* Esta definición sería el equivalente en nuestro idioma al concepto de *fedizen* en inglés. Qué piensas? *Pessoa que faz uso activo de um ou mais serviços do fediverso.* Esta definição seria o equivalente na nossa língua ao conceito de *fedizen* em inglês. O que acha?

Thanks for the clarification. I agree to it and I think the term “Latine” is more appropriate since we can properly say it in Spanish and Portuguese. I am not aware of the state of the discussion in the US, therefore I chose to spell Latinx as a term that could include all genders (Latino/a/e), understanding x as a variable. Of course, your point is valid and we should avoid a term that is imposed by the white liberal wing. I am happy to learn from the discussion. It’s much more valuable than the downvotes, which are harder to interpret.

How would you spell it? EDIT: I have changed the tile of this post to “Latin American”

I would like to introduce Red Nibö, a new Ecko instance in the fediverse that opens a space for the discussion on science, technology and their social impact. The instance is aimed to the Latine community, so the main languages are Spanish and Portuguese but other languages are welcome too. https://red.niboe.info

The mockup looks really nice and I think it could work if you keep it simple. Something I miss in the fediverse is the possibility of categorizing posts. For example, the user could select a category like work, food, politics, academic, others when posting. I am not sure this will work but something to think about.