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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 26, 2022


Was I exaggerating? The article said that they’re translating social media posts.

Also, I always thought China and Russia were the countries doing the most censoring, but this war has opened my eyes, only for me to see the blindfold over them.

In the last week, the USA has condemned India and Turkey for human rights violations and now there’s the whole Shanghai debacle. The common denominator is these countries’ refusal to sanction Russia, according to the USA’s wishes.

West media is a mass censorship/propaganda machine, akin to China’s and Russia, and social media is a cesspool of stupidity all over the world.

So, they are translating random social media posts that are pro-Russian and somehow this is how more than a billion Chinese people think? WTF?

What does a hashtag have to do with what people believe in? I am talking about the economy here and the reality is that Europe will be in dire need of LNG if Russian gas imports stop.

Leave it to Mitsotakis (the Greek PM) to solicit an appearance by Zelenski for good PR and turn it into a shitshow.