He/Him | 20 y/o CPUSA member. Have fun and throw balls

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 24, 2022


Using nukes would also piss people off because it would endanger Americans.

Doubt. Possible the US will bomb the country, but nuking it? Nah. That’s suicide. But even bombing the country is just a waiting for retaliation. First, the US would have to destabilize the RF even further to where any threats of retaliation are meaningless and hold no weight. A sort of Iran situation, where Iran was under oath to not use or create nukes. They would first have to drain out Russian resources enough through the current conflict and slowly amp it up over time. Of course I’m no war professional but it just seems like something the US would do. The US is a blood thirsty monster but it wouldn’t use nukes as the population of the US is not warmed up enough to the idea of nukes being “safe” and will “never harm the US in return” and will wait after destabilizing the whole of Eastern Europe beyond this already existing destabilization.

Ok so instead would you want me to tell you your source sucks and provides no information outside of claims w/ no evidence? Most of the outside information they give are behind paywalls lol

Well I think they already got jesus considering how closely related evangelism is to neo-nazism