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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 20, 2021


Antisemitism? You do realize they elected a Jewish president, right?

Far right/neo nazi groups? Yeah, there are idiots like these in every country, even in Russia. Doesn’t mean the general public supports them or that they have any political power.

Banderas? He’s mostly commemorated as a nationalist who fought for an independent Ukraine. Stalin is still celebrated, yet he didn’t mind making a pact with Nazi Germany in 1939 link.

These are not legitimate reasons for destroying a country and it’s people.

The article is basically a blueprint for genocide against Ukraine. It’s published by a state owned news agency. if it wasn’t in line with Kremlin’s views it would’ve been censored or taken down.

Calling ukrainians “nazis” is a lame excuse for yet another Russian invasion, absent any convincing evidence. Fighting invading forces in their own country certainly doesn’t make them nazis. Where is the actual evidence of Nazism?

Here’s the English translation of the Kremlin propaganda article : https://medium.com/@kravchenko_mm/what-should-russia-do-with-ukraine-translation-of-a-propaganda-article-by-a-russian-journalist-a3e92e3cb64

«We will seek to demilitarize and denazify

What does that even mean? How does that make sense to you? Can you explain in your own words without repeating state propaganda?

Where does it say anything about destroying identity?

To quote from the article above, "Denazification will inevitably include de-ukrainization”.

You may be gullible enough to believe Putin’s bulshit rationalizations but the reality of the last 3 months is that Russian army invaded another country, sieged it’s cities, killed thousands of civilians and caused millions of refugees to flee from their path.

The wisest thing Ukraine could do is abandon Washington’s deluded scheme of using the war to “weaken Russia” and instead sue for peace for the sake of its people

Putin want’s to dismantle Ukraine and destroy Ukrainian identity, as stated in articles published by Kremlin over the past few months. For Ukrainians there can be no negotiated peace as long as what follows is murder, rape, pillaging and enslavement Golden Horde style.