• 5 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 11, 2022

Lemmy is not ideologically diverse. Thoughts?
edit: having a community dedicated to letists only can be a bad idea in that it can make sure your beliefs are not questioned. I have thought myself as a socialist and I have thought myself as a anarcho-capitalist, I don’t believe in either anymore. I think if radical views go unchecked they might cause problems. Although I am a capitalist now, being confronted by socialists has made me aware of capitalisms deep flaws. When I considered myself a communist (17 year old me) I thought opposing views really changed my mind. So that's the ideologically diversity I am talking about. I love the outlook of lemmy, I think the design is decent and simplistic. But one thing I can't seem to get over is the fact that almost everyone here seem to think the same politically. Why do you guys think this is?? I know this is a community of leftists foss enthusiasts but I hope everyone here is aware that it is driving many people away from adapting it.

Sorry for my inarticulate gibbergabber. I wanted photos to appear bigger by default. Unfortunately I don't know how and even if it is possible. I don't want to be single tapping every damn image for it to be of redable size. How can I change this?~___~

  1. Literally any economy can become 2 largest if it has enough people, per capita wealth would be more of an indicator of well-being.
  2. Saved the world from Nazi Germany? Did you forget that Stalin first had joined hands with the Nazis and was happy to stay out of the war, until Germany attacked. Also, Stalin somewhat admired Hitler, although he didn’t like his views on the USSR. Ended the famines, yes but through gulags, I don’t think that’s a positive and no he didn’t end famines, they did happen extensively in the USSR, but yes the food production increased thanks to the slave labour provided by the camps. Ended racial and sexual inequality, well didn’t end it but they did help, so that’s a positive.

The socialist system, certainly didn’t end poverty. that’s a nonsensical statement. Doubled life expectancy? I doubt that.

If I didn’t comment about it, then it means that I like that. djkafdadjkfa

@Hyolobrika@lemmy.ml why is your comment downvoted so much? I do think you make a point, but these downvotes perplex me.

thank you, your answer provided a new pov to me. that’s valuable

Many capitalist countries have fallen, does that alone mean capitalism was a failure and shouldn’t be a thing?

not trying to mock you or anything, but which ones are these? I am genuinely curious.

And it might be a good time to mention things like United States involvement in regime change (Wikpedia). It’s not an isolated issue, it’s a strategy. 100% dictatorship? I would rather starve than live in the late USSR.

…“look, it didn’t work for them!” Or did it fail because the USSR lost its way, or, just maybe if failed due to a combination of both.

either way I am pretty grateful that it did fail and the world got to know that dictatorship doens’t really work.

I left out cuba? will edit the question. I don’t think they are great either. It’s a dictatorship. I don’t need to provide any more counter to that. Also, let’s not forget, people in cuba literally were protesting due to lack of food recently. Say what you want about capitalism, people don’t often starve under it.

I am sorry, I haven’t been able to open lemmy for a long time. terrible things going on in real life. And thank you for all those resources, I haven’t read them yet but I will. And no I didn’t downvote you.

We haven’t had any major terrorist attack in a few years. Do you think that’s because our intelligence is doing a good job at putting a hole through these bastards?

Lemmy is actually the dream. Like decentralized and all that, it was a better alternative to reddit. Also, I was pissed because reddit was no longer opensource.

Why is Marxism still a thing?
I was wondering why Marxism was still a thing and this placed seemed to be filled with Marxists. So, why? Didn't the fall of USSR teach us anything? Do today's Marxists think that USSR did something wrong? In other words, will they do anything different than the dictators of the soviet union? Also, some here seem to admire Stalin. I would really have to try hard to find a community that would admire Hitler but apparently admiring Stalin, another mass murder seems to be perfectly fine!

Hello, No I would not be comfortable with “Posting someone’s legal name, home address, government ID number Calling for a person to be hacked, harassed online or in person, or for someone to steal their bike/car/pet, or kill their pet Child porn, revenge porn (non-consensually posting private nude pictures), edited / deepfake porn Copyrighted movies, music and TV Classified government documents”

And I am not ok with it because yes, I think they are morally reprehensible (although leaking classified govt documents of a genocide might be the opposite) and no I wasn’t talking about it at all when I talked about free speech ( The issue as you have pointed out cleverly is much more complicated than what I thought it was) What I was talking about was political speech.

And yes, I think I would be ok with holocaust denial although I think if it done for wrong reasons(knowing it happened and denying it) it would be morally reprehensible as well but in my view it doesn’t warrant censoring that speech. I love you that you put hate speech in inverted commas(It depends upon who is defining it and then too varies a lot with other definitions). And yes, Blasphemy, I am pretty sure there isn’t a day in my life where I haven’t been guilty of that (and I proudly accept that lol). And it’s not only Saudi Arabia which bans blasphemy, it’s a ton of countries and it’s a constantly expanding list with even “free countries” joining in on the “fun” now. revenge porn should be illegal. Child porn warrants stringent punishments.

Again I poorly described my question as you pointed it out and I appreciate you exposing me to the faults in my thinking. **But again, I can tolerate “hate speech”, Holocaust denial and blasphemy. And when I was thinking of free speech I was thinking of that. I think they should not be censored as long as they do not involve direct physical threats against an individual or a group. ** I would expect a decentralized forum to be able to circumvent laws such as these which needlessly restrict political speech.

Its not actually my constitution but being born in a tyranny I seem to value freedom of speech more than people who have gotten used to it. I don’t want to give a History lesson but French Revolution was also inspired by American war for Independence. So I would be surprised if france has Free Speech laws which are severely restrictive.

You make a good point. I will start doing that now.

I made my definition of free speech clear in the edit. It might sound idiotic to you but I would be against any social media which ranks being “inclusive” higher than being a bastion of free speech. The only inclusivity I want to see is the inclusivity of different views.

that’s gonna be hard considering there aren’t many people here in the first place :(

Imagine someone creates a group pro-LGBT people and someone creates a group which officially calls LGBT people sinners and their lifestyle a sin. Swap ‘LGBT’ with any protected group you can think of. Would the anti-LGBT group stay afloat or do developers of lemmy have the power to take it down?

I am in full support of people with different sexual identities but I do believe that no social media should censor any views unless they promote active violence(hate is still ok).

The problem is even reddit allowed the subreddit r/antiislam in it’s early days but when the more power they gain the more comfortable they are in suppressing views which they personally think is unacceptable. I don’t want lemmy to be a second reddit.

It depends on what free speech mean to you, if you’d answer that maybe someone could give a better reply, since there multiple definitions depending on the person whom you ask.

There is no justification to censor any views unless those views are directly propitiating physical violence against a person or community. Direct physical violence of course doesn’t include offensive speech

The first amendment is a damn good document for anyone looking to create a social media which is fair, so I would expect the same freedoms here as US government allows it for it’s own citizens(or atleast used to allow)

What can I do to help Lemmy?
On what ideals were Lemmy created? I am asking it because I am considering supporting Lemmy any way I can but I won't if the ideals of it's creators are anything but upholding free speech. I want to know more about this website, can someone refer me to a book or a video which might encapsulate it? What I mean by free speech: There is no justification to censor any views unless those views are directly demanding for physical violence against a person or community. Direct physical violence of course doesn’t include offensive speech against any religion (be it Islam, Hinduism or Christianity) or against any ideology or any "protected groups".

with due respect to everything you said I don’t think this is a major success, even “our own” people (GNU Linux and FOSS enthusiasts) are in a greater number in Reddit. I think Open-source projects like Lemmy lack the aggressiveness required to make it big.

I dont know if it was even possible to do that. Atleast us gnu Linux users should be here in a larger number I guess

Will Lemmy ever replace Reddit?
I was wondering what the point of lemmy was, if we can't get a certain number of people, we won't be able to thrive as a community and I don't see lots of people joining even though it is an open-source and decentralised forum unlike reddit. There are many obvious things lemmy could do better, should I make a report about it? I think we are lagging behind and not doing things which are obvious. A better GUI for mobile website would be one of the top suggestions I have. thoughs?