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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2021


Yeah the Shark IZ462H Vertex is the recommendation for that range. It can be had for $350 new or it is currently on sale for $240 used on an amazon warehouse deal.


That’s a good vid where I found the recommendation. Vacuum wars is top notch.

A nice cordless vacuum was a game-changer for me. The ability to just grab it and vacuum is great. I always feel like plugging it in makes it an annoying logistics project so I end up blowing it off, especially for places without a convenient plug.

Vacuum wars on YouTube is great for unbiased reviews. I got the Tineco A-10D for $100 and it’s really solid. Not a replacement for a plug-in vacuum though. The $250+ Range is more suited to be your one and only vacuum.