• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 03, 2021

Setting up Lemmy on CentOS 7
As the title suggests, really struggling getting Lemmy set up, tried both installation methods to no avail. Any one any ideas?

Done, I left a comment on GitHub

"I am having the same issue, as requrested by @dessalines below is the log from the server:


What could the issue be?

Additionally, I have also installed NGINX the app is running on Apache and NGINX for testing purposes:

Apache: https://mawlz.com/ NGINX: https://mawlz.com:8443/

As you can see on both of the web servers it is not working"

Thank you, unfortunately I was too late before it closed.

Here’s the relevant files:


Has anyone managed to find a fix yet?
Hi, I’m trying to run my own instance, but can’t seem to get past this issue here: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/issues/403 I cannot upload any images and still get the same error - : SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 ProxyPass is working the chown 991 is done to the volume dir and subdirs. The pictr URL is added everything is there, I’m at my wits end lol