• 2 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Dec 25, 2020

Suggestions for digitizing documents?
What hardware and software do you use for digitizing your documents? I'm looking for solutions to digitize hundreds of paper documents, ideally the end result will be searchable with OCR and I won't be locked into any proprietary software / services. Any workflow tips? I'm not opposed to using a scanning app on my phone, but so far the ones I have tried are fairly slow, and require manually identifying the corners on nearly every page.

Which bank or credit union do you use and why did you choose them?
I'm looking to switch credit unions, but I'm finding the process dispiriting. There is no shortage of competing financial institutions in my part of the United States, but no institutions open to the public seem to be doing anything exciting, progressive, or seriously systemically beneficial to their local communities. I'm curious where members of Lemmy choose to park their money, and why you chose that financial institution. There is [a top-down movement to reintroduce public postal banking](https://www.marketplace.org/2021/10/15/usps-pilots-a-public-banking-program/) in the US, and I'm very excited about this, but I'm curious which banks and credit unions you've chosen, and additionally how your chosen institutions benefit your community.

There’s https://www.mercuryos.com/

Mercury OS is a speculative vision designed to question the paradigms governing human-computer interaction today.

If you’re wanting to self-host a cloud service, then Nextcloud is second to none. You can use NextCloud together with Cryptomator for easy client-side encryption, but If you need automatic syncing look into rclone instead.

If you are planning to use this for backups, check out borg backup and vorta(easy to use GUI for borg).

There’s no way to make a meme against a group or in support of an ideology without stripping away all the nuance and dehumanizing people. Many of the articles that are posted here are misleading and in some cases entirely untrue.

Yesterday, I down voted an article claiming “AP confirms no Uyghur genocide”. I read the cited AP article and found the post’s click bait title was completely false. The post’s author is pointing at a report that contradicts his beliefs and claiming that his beliefs are therefore correct because the article is lieing. It is fine to refute an article, but to twist an article’s words and then claim that the source says something it clearly doesn’t is just dishonest.

I believe misleading and dehumanizing posts should be downvoted in order to promote a space where diverse peoples can all feel welcome.