Politica Pirata: informazione su #whistleblowing #dirittidigitali #sovranitàdigitale #copyright #privacy #cyberwarfare #pirati #Europa #opensource #opendata https://www.informapirata.it

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 25, 2022


I think I understand the problem: it is not a question of federation, but a problem related to the “type of account” in Friendica


Friendica - Federation problem
Good morning, I'm the administrator of the friendica poliverso.org instance. I am writing to you because, with the username informapirata, I opened a community/sublemmy (poliverso) and I started doing several tests to probe the readability and interaction from my friend instance and from my mastodon account @informapirata@mastodon.uno . Unfortunately I noticed that with friendica I can't send messages from poliverso.org, while I can send them easily from the twin instance (same server, same system engineer and same configuration) friends.polli.social. I wanted to ask you the courtesy to give me some suggestions or some ideas to help me solve this problem. A greeting, Macfranc

Tutti sul fediverso... Ah, scusate, noi già ci siamo 😅

The term metaverse is earlier, although it is at least suspicious that the metaverse was launched just at the moment when Trump’s “truth” project granted great notoriety to mastodon and all other federated platforms.