Pro-Moscow groups in Donbass complained their YouTube accounts are blocked as the Pentagon warned Russia was planning a "graphic" video of attack.

As someone said, the first thing that dies in a war is the truth. Let’s see if I understood the situation correctly: Before the Cuban missile crisis, the United States positioned missiles on the Turkish border with Russia, targeting Moscow.

It was not mentioned, since the Americans are good and Russia is bad. If Russia then intends to do the same by placing missiles in Cuba, World War III almost breaks out, the Americans already with their hands on the red button, but this was prevented at the last moment by a Russian officer ordering the withdrawal.

Now the story is repeating itself with Ukraine, hoping that Russia tolerates NATO with their missils in their border, because the US are the good boys which protect the peace.

In all of this, it has already become more than clear that the EU needs to distance itself from NATO, which until now has only served as a scapegoat to help the United States get them out of trouble in who got involved in their quest to set themselves up as world sheriffs with its operations of infinite ignorance, pretending to eliminate a hornet’s nest with a baseball bat.

Forcing allies to act against their own interests.

In order not to misunderstand each other, I do not want to defend Russia and even less Putin, it is a dictatorship quite to the right of the political sphere, although this is not the issue (there are worse among the allies, starting with Saudi Arabia), but the solution of problems policies with force of arms, which in my opinion only shows one thing, that we are governed by imbeciles without ideas.


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Exactly what a chicom assadist putinbot would say! What time is it in Moscow comrade?

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