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In an exclusive Fresh Dialogues interview, Robert Ballard, Ocean scientist of Titanic fame, discusses global warming. “It’s too late…all the ice is going to melt,” says Ballard. Yet he says we should still reduce our carbon footprint and limit population growth. Natural cycle or Human impact? “It’s both,” says Ballard. “Whenever you have a tremendous controversy both sides tend to be right and wrong. You do have the natural interglacial warming that were experiencing, but you are increasing the severity of it with the human footprint.”

This is the place for discussing the potential collapse of modern civilization and the environment.

Collapse, in this context, refers to the significant loss of an established level or complexity towards a much simpler state. It can occur differently within many areas, orderly or chaotically, and be willing or unwilling. It does not necessarily imply human extinction or a singular, global event. Although, the longer the duration, the more it resembles a ‘decline’ instead of collapse.


1 - Remember the human

2 - Link posts should come from a reputable source

3 - All opinions are allowed but discussion must be in good faith.

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