No Borders – Wrocław jest na szmerze!

Zajmujemy się pomocą osobom próbującym znaleźć schronienie w Europie – szykujemy pakiety podstawowe z najpotrzebniejszymi rzeczami dla osób zgubionych w lesie, organizujemy zbiórki rzeczy we Wrocławiu i wozimy na granicę, planujemy działania edukacyjne.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 17, 2021

The only ethical way of being a human from Europe is to defy the divisions and open the borders.
There is nothing more strongly inscribed into our heads than the world divided by nation state lines and superpower spheres of influence. It is a constant and necessary part of reality, thanks to which influential dickheads justify their right to rule and exploit the work of others. After a moment of reflection, it is actually a totally unjustified practice of social life. Living in Europe, we usually do not realize our privilege. We would like to share our thoughts after the third team from Wrocław encountered in the middle of the forest a man who sold his kidney in order to afford a journey to save his life and the livesof his family. The journey whose one of the stages is now happening right before our eyes in Polish forests. He wants to join his son, who despite living in Germany, was not able to acquire enough money. From the perspective of Europe it seems unimaginable how much a journey to another continent can cost. Three, four, maybe ten thousand złotys… Only when you are a European, who is welcome everywhere. When you are not from Europe, the amount grows a dozen, maybe dozens of times bigger. After World War II we put a lot of effort into constructing a framework of European ethics based on human rights. From the ashes of the most destructive war we were supposed to rise thanks to the ideals of communal life, the democratic development of nations friendly to everyone. Sign international treaties and economic interdependencies thanks to which we would never return to a situation that led to the deaths of millions. Meanwhile, using the resulting economic power, we created Fortress Europe. A fortress in which privileged people with European citizenship can freely move, work and live in any place of their choosing. However, by uniting we excluded everyone else, and even put ourselves above them. We, Europeans, can do everything given to us by Human Rights and Citizen Rights and Them - are not really seen as people, just as an abstract threat. In this moment we can say clearly: being a European is a shame. Being a European is a taint and guilt. Being a European is not something one should be proud of. The only ethical way of being a human from Europe is defying this divide and opening the borders.

Call for solidarity actions
Call for solidarity actions For several months we have been witnessing a political game between the European Union, Russia, Poland and Belarus. As often in previous years, people deprived of their homes and looking for a better life, have become the tools of state authorities. Treated as tools in this conflict, they bear its direct costs. They die at the border, are tortured, beaten, raped and abused in every way possible. The situation they find themselves in is a direct result of the European Union’s anti-immigration policy, which is being used without scruples by the Lukashenka regime. As the no borders movement in Poland, we want to invite to coordinated activities all groups in Europe who are sharing idea of ​​a world without borders. We want to put pressure on the Polish and European Union authorities and express solidarity with all travellers. What form your actions will take, we leave to you. Let demonstrations in front of Polish embassies and consulates, lighting candles, graffiti campaigns, banners, soliparties, benefits, happenings and all other activities, should become part of our opposition to the militarization of borders and the restriction of the right to move. Our fight takes place on many levels. On the one hand, it is deeply rooted in our lives – it concerns the space we are in, people and our everyday relationships. At the same time, grassroots movements that are in opposition to states, big business and all ideologies based on enslavement; they are able to bring about the global change that is necessary for the world. Community building and solidarity are often not as spectacular as oppression of the state. It’s easier to count the tanks, troops and billions spent on maintaining it system. Nevertheless, the results of grassroots groups’ activities are often more durable and of a longer duration perspective change much more. Even what seemed permanent. Our actions they often seem to remind us of sparks which flare for a moment in the darkness. But it is the sparks that cause the fires! Time: 22.11.2021 - 19.12.2021 If you have any questions, suggestions, ideas or just want to contact us, write to: no_borders_team[at] [photo: “No One Is Illegal. Against Fortress Europe” - banner on the Provincial Office in Poznań] ![](