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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Apr 12, 2021


Why would that be faster? I just type my password and I am in. If I would not use a display manager I would have to type my username, my password and then startx. It’s only slower.

There are many languages that try to be a better C. For example Zig, D, C#, Swift, rust, Odin, etc. Has Hare some unique goals, or what sets it apart?

Should You Use A Rolling Or Point Release Distro […] I can’t decide that for you.

I mean, I did not expect an answer. But such a title is just shit.

There has never been a better time to ship a binary app that targets the Linux desktop. And I don’t mean targets its own bundled runtime; I mean truly targets the user’s runtime environment. The time is now.

I have my doubts. If I compile something for Linux today, I don’t believe the chances are great, that this binary will run on an arbitrary Linux.

If that is true, am I able to download some binaries from any distributing package repository unpack it, and run it? Can I just run an Arch-Linux KCalc and run it on an Ubuntu 20.04? Will it be able to run in 25 years?

I think this is the one thing that those package managers will be able to solve.

I understand the critics, but I do not see an alternative as of now.