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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 09, 2022


This is true. I was incorrect. I guess my point is that it’s the first time humans are doing it to humans.

[edit] Further clarification: First time we are selecting/designing mRNA vs an occurance in nature.

My point is this is the first time we are using mRNA to program our cells to produce spike. Previous vaccines took the entire virus either attenuated or dead to stimulate the immune response.

This is the first time we are using an mRNA snippet to program our cells to make a specific protein.

So no, factually you are incorrect. This is not “exactly” how viruses work.

Risk management aside, it’s an amazing technology. We are biologically programming human cells.

imagine being so ignorant you think that a vaccine is a 100% catch all.

I agree. That was very ignorant of the director of the CDC and US Pres Biden to say it prevents infection to justify the initial push for mandates.

On an unrelated side note: I think the mRNA technology is freaking cool and I hope we can put it to more good use in the future.

A thing that worries me about it is that it is using your cell to express the spike protein. Effectively, “you” are making something to be attacked by your immune system as “other”.

Alot of the adverse effects show that the body is attacking itself, as is typical with autoimmune issues, like arthritis.

The immune system being a complex system, it just seems a reckless to push forward with this in all age groups with only just over a year of safety data with humans.

I hope everything will be just fine, but I’m not reassure by the censorship, mandates and liability waiver for big pharma

Thanks for editing out the “anti-vaxxer” slur, but seems a little disingenuous that you remove it without mention. Can’t you stand by what you say?

I won’t be so quick to label you since I have no idea who you are, shame you just throw the word “anti-vax” at ppl who question the motives of big Pfarma and a war mongering gov, as if though they’ve never lied and questioning the corporate state is heretical. Didn’t mean to rile you up. Just an honest disagreement. Go ahead, trust the corporate state and big pharma if you want, but I don’t.

Oh really? Safe and effective, huh? Not like big pharam has ever lied about their product safety or bribed doctors to prescribe more meds. Why was Pfarma trying to push release of the data from their studies until 75 years from now? How many years of safety data exists for mRNA based vaccine use in humans? But go ahead, run interference for big pharma if you want while they reap billions in profits during a pandemic with a product that doesn’t work. You do you I guess.

Its sad to watch empathy erode over disagreement over an experimental pharma product that does not stop the spread or infection