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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Feb 14, 2022


my old flat was near there when i was working in kyiv in 2014. i remember there being an anti-US protest that looked similar from around that time. to be honest, i feel a little in the dark about what is going on right now, but from what i can remember about living in kyiv was that the people (predominantly) who were “pro” Russia were a lot of older folks. i don’t really remember anyone of a less mature age who was supportive of Russia…there seems to be a lot of older folks in these pictures and from what i can remember the protests from around the time i was there was the same. a lot of the older folks seemed to have happy memories of the USSR, but everyone i knew who was younger disdained anything having to do with Russia and hated living in the USSR as children.

who knows?

i only had the experience of living in ukraine as an american, but either way, i think living under the USSR would be worse in a lot of ways. that isn’t to say that the US can improve a lot in terms of social and economic equity, and also foreign policy. i don’t think the US will get involved with ukraine, even in 2014 people were saying that we would get involved but that never happened and from what i can tell a lot of the conflict has been concentrated to the east (at least from steppe notifications i get from time to time)