Friendica contact discovery question
A question for the Friendica admins out there on the fediverse. What do you normally set your contact directory discovery to? Our is set to "local contacts" but when the importer workers hit profiles with 10's of thousands of apps, the workers just seem to hit a wall. I'm assuming they will get through the process eventually, but something like SignalApp, with 30K followers has been sitting at the front of the queue for nearly 3 hours now I could turn of contact discovery, but I'm not sure what impact that would have? Would turning it off lower the quality of contact suggestions, or is that information still available via the external directory server? [\#friendica]( [#FediAdmin]( [@friendica]( [@fediverse](

Can't post pictures from Friendica
cross-posted from: > When I try to post images/pictures from my Friendica account to a Lemmy community, it just never appears. It works fine with just text or links. Any idea why that is?

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