• 6 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 19, 2022

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/244182 > Link in German, but after all these years of people complaining and even if analytics are explicitly disabled in Element, it still phones home :(

Sadly most Android tablets are too locked down to allow this.

There are however two upcomming Linux tablets that look very promising: the FydeTab Duo and the PineTab2. Not really budget options though I guess.

OsmAnd version 4.3 mapping app for Android released
Much faster OpenGL map tile rendering and other cool stuff.

I am sometimes tempted to check if people here with alt-accounts on Lemmygrad are double voting, but then realize I have better stuff to do…

Waydroid is a compatibility layer for Android apps.

More lightweight to selfhost. Or are you asking from a user perspective?

It is explained in the sidebar of that community and cross-posting is a thing in Lemmy, so in the rare cases that a post makes sense in both communities, they are linked more or less automatically.

I am not sure what your alternative suggestion is. That communities get replicated across instances? What would be the point of a decentralized/federated network then if everything is replicated into a centralized structure like that?

Why would they be discouraged? If the community on another instance serves a purpose then why would it be discouraged to have it?

For example I created a “technology” community on slrpnk.net because I felt it would be nice to have a place more focussed on sustainable technologies instead of the “technology” community on lemmy.ml that seems to be mostly about the latest tech hype and some other random stuff people come across while surfing the net.

Why would each of those 100 instances have a “asklemmy” community? If people create a new “asklemmy” community on a different instance, it is clearly because they do not want their posts to be part of the “asklemmy” community on lemmy.ml as otherwise they could just post there?

Like a link to the actual software would be nice, no? /s
