• 16 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 17, 2022


Definitely. Everyone I know who was in the US military is either basically a fascist or borderline socialist.

Does anyone have links to people that have immigrated to the US and been shocked at what they found here?

I was out yesterday and was eavesdropping on a conversation of a couple of army vets. To my surprise, they were talking about how bad it is in the USA. They talked about how they wished we had public infrastructure and could do things like ban single use plastics. They mentioned how selfish and arrogant most Americans are.

I wonder what people truly think about the USA around the world. The USA has enjoyed unprecedented hegemony over the world the past 30 or so years.

I saw one being planned near Vegas a few years ago. I think it was crypto based, so I’m sure it’s been scrapped lol.

That would require a WWII style mobilization and that’s not happening in the US now. Despite what all the 🇺🇦 pfp say, most Americans won’t give a shit about that war when they can’t afford to eat or pay their mortgage/rent.

NATO is going to be irrefutably embarrassed globally soon. Hopefully the west realizes ‘wow we aren’t doing anything well anymore maybe we need to change something’. But who knows 🤷‍♂️

So glad I’ve never supported the military. Always felt weird to me, even when I was a lib.

I’d like to look more into the failures of the US military. I have a suspicion that their goal is mainly to enrich defense contractors and intimidate the rest of the world. Anything else is merely a bonus to them.

You’ll never see this interview in western MSM. They’ll probably ban it from YouTube.

Hopefully things start to go right for the people of El Salvador.

‘Oh my god. He admit it!’