New York Gasoline Shortage Brews on Fallout From EU’s Russia Ban - BNN Bloomberg
New York and much of the East Coast are at risk of a gasoline shortage this summer as the European Union’s ban of Russian fuel threatens to choke off the backup supplies the US relies on during peak driving season.

Gasoline prices may finally force people to lower the amount of fuel their burn, reduce pollution, while reducing energy dependency.

Too bad that didn’t happen sooner and so many countries waited for a war to focus on reducing wasteful energy use, lowering their dependency on fossil fuel imports.

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

The whole US infrastructure is designed around car use. Many places in US don’t even have functioning public transit, and certainly not at scale that could support mass use. Meanwhile, due to lack of any sane city planning, all the necessities are scattered so that they’re not in a walking distance. People have to drive to get to work, they have to drive to get to stores, and to do pretty much anything.

Higher gasoline prices aren’t going to change the amount of driving people do in a significant way because driving in US is a necessity. The way you reduce pollution and fuel burn is by building public transit infrastructure and doing city planning. US has shown itself to be utterly incapable of doing either.

There’s measurable increase in public transport ridership when there’s increase in gasoline price.

The US infrastructure in centered around cars indeed, even if that vary widely between locations. So it’ll be difficult to improve. But there’s hope that gasoline price would push people, possibly kicking and screaming, toward public transportation.

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

Sure, but people in US are kicking and screaming for lots of things already. Healthcare, livable wage, and police violence are just a few examples. The regime clearly doesn’t care what the people want though.

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