
I have decided self-host an instance as a little side project because I really like the concept of lemmy.

I am a scientist by profession and a naturalist basically since birth, so I have decided nature and science to be the focus of my instance.

The website is https://mander.xyz

I have enabled open federation, so if anyone wants to federate, let’s do it! The more the merrier :-)

EDIT: I decided today to rent a small VM server to host the instance, rather than hosting it from my home computer. So it should remain stable.

"There are no trackers and I don’t keep any kind of logs. I am running an almost identical version of lemmy as lemmy.ml using docker, I only slightly modified one of the themes on the lemmy-ui. The e-mails and the private messages are not encrypted, so if someone has access to the server they would be able to see them. Passwords are hashed. My policy is that I don’t look into any private information. If someone posts something illegal enough for the authorities to contact me (human trafficking, child pornography, etc) I would collaborate with them however I can, but this is a special and very unlikely case.

I will make an effort to keep the instance running for a while, but I don’t want to make guarantees about keeping it up for a determined amount of time. I am running the instance because I want to participate on Lemmy via my own instance, and I am also happy to allow others to make account on this instance. But if the instance were to be brigaded I might choose to make the instance private because I am not so keen on spending a lot of time moderating."


About the last comment about brigading: Lemmy did end up being brigaded shortly after I sent you that message. Luckily the admins provided a simple solution: new users need to send a short message and I have to manually approve them. This helps mitigate the impact of brigades. So for the time being new registrations at mander will also require an ‘application’.

Good enough solution!

Post links of your self-hosted instances of Lemmy!

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