Hello Lemmy people,

I’m trying to wrap my head around where editable files ultimately ‘live’ after Ansible install to a VPS.

For example:

  1. If you want to modify a specific cell in a Postgres table using Arctype (or another SQL GUI) - would you be:
  • directly modifying the VPS instance?
  • or modifying a mirrored database on your local computer?

  1. If you setup Lemmy using a ‘1 year free trial’ from a VPS (like digital ocean)…and then want to migrate the Lemmy instance to another VPS (like Hetzner), would you be:
  • ‘pushing’ the custom Lemmy instance from your local computer to a new VPS?
  • or directly migrating the files from one VPS to the other?

I realize these are noob questions.

Thank you for your patience.

Lemmy looks really cool.

The ansible install just installs lemmy via docker-compose. All your files will be stored in,


The database files and pictures are stored in In a folder called Volumes.

To move lemmy you can just move that volumes directory. If you change domain names you’ll have to run some scripts on your data. I do this to run a production db locally. Changing all the references to the domain name to or what ever the new domain name is

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