Europe is commiting economical suicide for literally nothing.

That’s the weird thing about it. There’s nothing to gain here for anyone but the US. Ukraine is not and was never going to join NATO. Neither workers nor industry stand to gain anything from this. Not even the politicians making these calls stand to gain from it due to the social upheaval and unrest this is causing and which they are aware of.

and was never going to join NATO

Can you elaborate on why you think that?

Their American overlords whispering in their ears to just pull the fucking trigger already is a reason I guess.

It’s not for nothing! It’s for supporting the US imperialism for another few years, there is no nobler cause! Dulce et decorum est pro America mori! /s

Most common people realize that sanctions are hurting them. If they didn’t realize it from the start, they realized it now, after a couple visits to the gas station.

Press is pushing the talking point that Scholz is weak and indecisive. This is the result of elite infighting. The Industrialists are probably screaming in his ear to stop this escalating madness, while US aligned press try to pummel the govt into submission. He went into silent mode to not give them any more ammo.

Media (Der Spiegel) already publicly speculating about a “Kanzlersturz” (chancellor-removal) by the CDU/CSU bloc. Probably not going to happen, but still insane that a chancellor barely half a year into his term is being threatened by the usually big industrialist party for not escalating a conflict threatening to destroy German industry.

The guy’s a milquetoast neoliberal fad, but how crazy is it that a guy like that could be facing removal for not being hawkish and suicidal enough. Imagine a political class and public so hell bent on destroying themselves they’re attacking someone like this.


For posting news about NATO’s wars in Ukraine, Serbia, Kosovo, and The Middle East, including anywhere else NATO is currently engaged in hostile actions. As well as anything that relates to it.


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