Pretend you meet a random person and they tell you they use cryptocurrency. What’s your opinion on that person based off that statement alone?

Crypto is a fascinating concept but it’s been taken over by a combination of tech bros and finance bros

In a word: privileged. It’s a luxury market for the middle class who have plenty of disposable income.

Or criminals. But no criminal is going to tell a random person they use crypto.


Never have i ever in extremely limited set of people that I have came across, heard someone say they ‘use’ cryptocurrency. Every body whom I met and is related to cryptocurrency only “trade’s”, it is just a tool of speculation and gambling. My countrie’s govt doesn’t consider it a legal tender thus even local woke businesses don’t sell their product/service for it.

it was easier when crypto was used only to buy drugs

As someone who used to use cryptocurrency, almost nobody uses cryptocurrency. My girlfriend works for a crypto exchange, and nobody in her company uses cryptocurrency.

Everyone just flips coins like penny stocks. If people actually used crypto, it would crash 95% overnight because of how bad it is.

The funniest part about crypto these days is there’s more than 21M Bitcoin due to exchanges fractional reserving, but it’s such a minority who withdraws that it goes unexposed.

They’re a sucker who’s gonna get fleeced. If they answer that they know the game is rigged (as most of them will), but that they totally understand how this works, they’re a super sucker who’ll get double fleeced.

The other day my mom told me she’s interested in bitcoin now 😂

My gut reaction is they’re a nerd and should be stuffed in a locker. Though if you were able to get into it and got some money, some investment, some security for yourself, I’m not gonna hate you. Though I’m not going to take your opinions too seriously if you think crypto is ultimately anything more than a wasteful scam.

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