What the fuck y’all, what happened to all that freedom of expression that’s supposed to come with federation?

Y’all tryin’ to fuck up a wet dream.

You can run your own server. It would not cost much relative to many other server applications. To my knowledge, nothing about the Lemmy software or its federation is designed to be hostile to pornography.

On the other hand, moderating pornography is laborious and hosting it becomes a legal liability. These are the major obstacles and they aren’t really Lemmy’s fault. It’s just cold hard reality that’s in the way.

Porn has a habit of overrunning the spaces it’s allowed into. It also has a pretty high moderation cost and is a reliable source of headaches for sysops/admins/owners. I’m not surprised that most of the fediverse eschews it entirely or else leaves it mostly walled off.

For sure, porn is so hard to find on the internet that we really need more sources.

There isn’t any instance that allows such content yet, as far as I know, but you can always create one.

There was one short-lived porn-themed instance but it didn’t federate with anyone and later switched to Postmill.

best place on the fediverse is switter and a few porn matrix rooms

I will add that erotic literature could be much easier to host and moderate, escaping liability. I would be very interested to see an ero-lit Lemmy instance.

Additionally, with a slightly higher level of moderation, I could see an easy time hosting erotic audio. With even more moderation, perhaps erotic, non-photogrpahic, visual art could also be hosted with relative ease.

I’m basing these assumptions on a US perspective, with the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1988. Others can chime in if I’m wrong or if liability differs in other countries.

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