i can’t find any… yet, we may never know V.0.11 …& OSRSB & GPT-3

https://lm.korako.me/ looks to be running bots

Never seen one. But I can imagine some being useful. Bridge bots to autopost from other sources, translate bots or reference bots (like Wikipedias “Linky”), for example.

I think bots have the potential to be useful but reddit is absolutely overwhelmed with (IMHO) wasteful bots like “shakespeare bot” and “dad joke bot.” I think a good baseline policy could be that bots should not make unsolicited comments, although I could imagine some cases where that might be welcome (e.g. a reverse image search bot pulling up the original version of an image).


no shakespeare bot here, yet lemmy may like a Dostoevsky bot ?

I like Dostoevsky but please no joke bots. They interrupt even the best of discussions.

I think bots should be opt-in for each community and decided upon by moderators. In practice, users could lobby their moderators to allow for a certain bot.

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