I’m looking to switch credit unions, but I’m finding the process dispiriting. There is no shortage of competing financial institutions in my part of the United States, but no institutions open to the public seem to be doing anything exciting, progressive, or seriously systemically beneficial to their local communities.

I’m curious where members of Lemmy choose to park their money, and why you chose that financial institution.

There is a top-down movement to reintroduce public postal banking in the US, and I’m very excited about this, but I’m curious which banks and credit unions you’ve chosen, and additionally how your chosen institutions benefit your community.


With credit unions you usually have to find a local one that takes you on the basis of where you live, work, or worship, or of some other unique category.

On the other hand, I also hear good things about Alliant

I’ve had an account with Alliant a couple of years, only complaint is that the only way they have to transfer money to other accounts is a wire transfer, which I think costs $10+ and has to be arranged by phone. Maybe that’s all US outfits not big enough to have their own Chase™ Pay® or whatever, though?

Not the case for my credit union, but other credit unions do charge a fee when transferring to an external account. It depends.

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